All you need is love

By pascolicious

Not just anybody

I took a bunch of pictures of Steve's cat early this morning and none of them turned out the way I wanted to. The one I used is my favorite of all of them because of the cat's position on the bed but it's not my favorite in terms of the actual picture because it's blurry and just.. bad angle.. I dunno, I took a few more.


Tonight is Heroes night and every Monday, Steve and I go to his sister's to watch and hang out.

Here is Steve "dancing" with Bella (his sister's dog)

Here is his sister's cat sniffing my coat.

I'm quite tired. I can't wait for tomorrow to be overwith. 2 nights a week, I don't sleep alone. I like being near him. He makes me forget about everything and I'm just happy.

I like that.

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