
By Barking


Not much blipping time today. Just this tamarillo.

One of my colleagues got two of these babies out of his lunch box. He went to cut one in half and I told him to STOP! I asked him to cut it length ways, then took it out of his hand and went to another room to photograph it. Then I brought it back for him to eat! He just accepted my weirdness, which was kind.

Today was spent at the Rugby Pavillion training some of our students to be future leaders in the school. I met some fabulous young people, most of whom will be great leaders next year. I also listened to 11 candidates for the Head Girl/Boy positions. They were all so eloquent and confident. I was seriously impressed. I don't think I'd have been able to give such a speech at that age. One of the girls isn't actually an native English speaker, so was all the more impressive for her speaking ability.

We find out tomorrow who was successful.


Dawn perfection
Summer snowflakes

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