Every Little Step

By moonfairy

........and now the flowers start to arrive.

Today we didn't have to do or see anyone.

Alexandra and I went out to get a few things, we both ended up buying gold lockets to put a piece of Christian's hair in. I have a locket with both their baby hair in, and I just wanted to do this.

Funeral arrangements are slowly going ahead. We started off with just a handful of people coming and now more and more have asked to come. It's nice to know Christian was so well thought of.

The house is full of the sweet smell of flowers, as floral tributes and cards start to arrive.

Today I've had to speak to family in England, people from work and other friends, and the tears just will not stop coming. My sister and her husband came to see us for a while, and it was good to talk to them about Christian.

Alexandra and I have talked and talked about his last hours, we've also laughed at a few things, comments he made, and a friend sent a picture of him in a funny hat.

Yes, good memories, but how I wish he could return.

The house is too quiet and still.

The funeral is next week, and I know the deep, deep sorrow will return.

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