graduation dinner

i'm more than a little delighted to have got this photograph. it happened quite by accident but it happens to contain 5 of my all time favourite women in Zambia.

(from l-r)

evangeline: hero! evangeline works with HIV/AIDS patients and orphans and she is the one who i go to if i need to know anything about the cultural issues to do with young people and HIV/AIDS. she's pretty wonderful.

hannah: generally just good fun to be around. she tells me how to use my phone, we chat about music and she makes me feel a little bit younger than i am!

clara-marie: wife of the founder of kaniki bible college and all round legend. just look at that face, isn't she just the best?

constance: my best friend out here and also my bemba teacher, bless her! i?ve learnt so much from her this year (sadly not bemba) and i look forward to working together with her next year.

prisca: trouble maker, match-maker and snap happy photographer. i gave her a second hand camera and then i spent an entire weekend with it pointed at my face!

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