Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

The Plumber

What I love more than any other type of photo is the portrait. And preferably portraits of people in interesting places doing interesting things. However I also feel nervous approaching people to take their picture, I feel as if they will think I am weird. Then if they do say yes I get so tense I forget to focus properly/set the ISO/think about composition/think about the background etc etc!! And you can forget about any meaningful direction to the model as well, I just chunter on saying silly things to try and "amuse" them!

So today is a step in the right direction to getting much more comfortable trying to get the pictures I love most. My boiler has been leaking and today I got it serviced by Simon the plumber. I asked him if I could take his picture and he said yes, and I took about 6 shots of which this is my favourite. Unfortunately it was a bit out of focus (getting someone to smile and keep my camera still enough is something that needs more work!) but I am calling it a 100% success because I did it. That alone is enough for me :-)

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