Family 6

By meganrose

Chinese, anyone?

Upon returning from a very succesful trip to town Farrah decided we were having Chinese for tea. So she dug the menu out and spent ages studying it before she declared she would like 'Chips and ketchup'. The boys were to have beans, apparently. We actually had bolognaise, from the kitchen of Meg.

On the subject of Farrah, yesterday I gave her a plate of crusts and told her to 'go and give them to the birds' as she was playing in the back garden. A couple of minutes later I looked out to see her stood, offering the plate in the direction of the trees and shouting 'Birds, birdies, food.' One I don't want to forget.

Back to today - I said a succesfu trip because I popped into Laura Ashley to find a remnant to cover the stool I begrudgingly allowed The Dazzler to keep a little while ago. I didn't find any, but I came out with wallpaper. Not sounding so succesful - until you hear that each roll was £1.50....
Oh happy, happy days.

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