Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Love is .....

The question?
The answer?
All we need?

:) mmm....I sound very refective here but in all honesty, I have just gone around the house and tried to find something I could make an interesting photo of. I so want to do some real photography again and I want people to photograph. I think I am going to have to just start asking people to model for me.....something - and I am going to have to set something up here at home so I have a place to take decent photos in the dark....dark and too busy - not a good combo for my photography :)

Quiet evening here. Erik has been home today with a fever. It is funny how a sick child just stops everything and slows down life for a day or two. We are sitting and watching a film now - Ink Heart - quite good really about books coming to life.

Ok...back to the film :)

Have a good night!

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