With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Get a grip!

Day two of the new order and all seems well. Infact I played tennis this morning, with instruction, which was great as I've never had a tennis lesson in my life and I learned a lot. I don't seem to be suffering yet, though I didn't run around too much. Using an old wooden raquet caused some amusement. I like the weight of them, though I may feel my grip has exhausted my wrists. I couldn't believe how little the modern raquets weigh. I may invest in a cheap one. I can't wait for next week now.

I was going to rush back for a shower, but orisit is moving flats and some decorators appeared in her current place at 8am unannounced and proceeded to demolish parts of the kitchen, mix cement in the living room and spread dust all over her belongings. She had been told she still had a few days left. Not impressed. So after a few hours we had broken the back of it and got a few loads transported. More tomorrow and she'll be round here tonight I think, to avoid the stench of paint and the dust.

I got my bath in the end, 8 hours late (sorry for those who had to suffer as a result) after having to change the gas bottle outside, dripping wet and covered in soap suds. I should have known it would run out half way through running it and I had tempted fate by getting in.

This is the only shot I took today, outside the school. Even the pavements are hand decorated in some parts of town. Sorry it's out of focus, but you can see the orange peel effect chipped in the stone. Maybe it's for grip.

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