The No

By TheNo

A load of pony

Mounted police in Parliament Square as students protest the coalition government's plans to raise university tuition fees and scrap the education maintenance allowance.

It's the second demo by students in a fortnight, and thus far they are the only people in the UK to protest against austerity cuts. They can be proud.

As with two weeks ago, the day featured violence for which the protesters will be routinely and exclusively blamed with no regard for the provocative measures the police routinely use to control crowds these days.

This shot was taken at about 1.40pm. Even by this point, the infamous crowd-control tactic of 'kettling' saw protesters corralled for hours and prevented from leaving. The Met said they could be there till midnight.

Later on, these same mounted police were ordered to charge into groups of protesters to disperse them. As I write, there is one unconfirmed report of a protester being trampled.

The different thing about today's demo and the one two weeks ago is the make-up of the crowd. As well as disgruntled university students, many of whom will not be effected by the planned measures, there were schoolchildren in the crowds today.

Whatever your thoughts about the manner of the protests, or even their complaint, it is impressive that there are kids who are willing to take a stand about their own future.

We should all be inspired by their actions - and ashamed by our own inaction.

Bigger's more intimidating

A few more on Flickr

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