
By QuerkyPoo


I personally dont think this is a top shot - but i was pleased with it - in that I was trying out a new lens set-up. I'm now the proud owner of a Canon 500D macro closeup lens.

I've got all the macro gear - but this lens fits on the end of my 70-200mm
and I've got that zoom ability to go after the little critters. It come highly recommended. One thing I had to overcome was the fact that Canon dont make a 67mm one so I had to get the stepdown ring for it. I was a bit concverned this might vinette - but not so at this stage. The focusing distance is around 18" which is reasonably out of the scare zone.

So! - not the sharpest knife in the draw but a good work-out for the future.
The old Monarch's looking abit worse the wear too - he's been around for a while.
A happy clicking blipper !!

rgds pooba.

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