
By Rioja

Hoot Mon!

There's a moose loose aboot this hoose!

Had a magic day yesterday, Joe got a wonderful surprise with the fancy dress party. It was such a busy day, the wee rascal never slept all day which meant an early night.

Once the rascals were asleep, we settled down with some cheese and biscuits and a nice glass of wine. With only the log fire crackling, the silence was golden. Lynne turned to me and said... "There's a f@&kingmouse!"... Within seconds all the lights were on and Lynne was standing on a chair screaching!

Having moved all the furniture, we found the wee mouse hiding in a corner and decided we should phone the Accomodation Services.

Keeping one eye on the mouse and the other watching out for 'The Terminator' arriving, for what seemed like an age to Lynne, the door finally went. Expecting something that resembled the Ghost Busters, In bounced a happy chap with only what I could describe as a plug in airfreshner!

The Terminator advised that they can't kill anything, as it's a conservation area. Note to self 'mind my feet while stomping around the trees trying to take pictures'. He plugged the device in and said it would give off a noise only audioble to mice, and would eventually drive it away.

5 minutes later and the plug in airfreshner having made no impact, we decided that we should give it some gentle persuasion, try and get it out the patio door. With me at the patio end of the couch and Lynne at the other, letting of screaches that would make all things living evacuate the sorrounding area, the mouse finally moved.

As it scurried between my legs, I remembered my 'note to self' and refrained from stommping on it stunning it with a ninja style blow and putting it outside to recover in the fresh air!

Success, out the door with no harm done!

With the silence well and truely shattered, we went to bed for a sleepless night, while Lynne lay awake thinking she could hear more mice.

We're taking the boys to see Santa today. What more could we have asked for but a wee sprinkling of snow when we woke up and Joe saying "does that mean Santa has arrived" - how perfect!

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