My Aim is True




Did someone in Meeting Number 1 hint at offering me a job. Hmmm?

Other meetings went well.Just the right mix of positivity and slagging of absent colleagues.

In other news; why do some people have HUGE tellys and watch HUGE amounts of crap. Is it relative? The bigger the telly, the more schemie programmes one watches?

Was very impressed; when walking up The Mound, when all the Xmas Xtravaganza was happening. The music being played was Faure and Nimrod, lovely for the fireworks, until suddenly Brenda was blasting out. Then realised that I'd still had my MP3 switched on...*

Later in the taxi home I was trying to explain the Theory of Relativity to the driver...but not sure that he got it....

*this anecdote only included so that you realise that I am not schemie....

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