
By tookie

The Aftermath!

We enjoyed a delicious meal at our friend's daughter's home---all of us contributing some part of the meal. We always bring a variety of vegetable dishes and of course the traditional sauerkraut that my own Ohio family always had!! No one eats it but me but that's their loss! Turkey was natural and moist and the tryptophan had the effect it should on a couple of the diners as evidenced in the collage. Mashed potatoes were real with wonderful beans with mushrooms and sliced almonds, cranberry relish dish, carrots with caramelized onions and marmalade, stuffing with or without gluten, rolls, broccoli salad, brussel sprouts, and three varieties of pies--pecan, pumpkin and lemon. What was missing? Well some of our kids and other family members but food wise I think all our bases were me:)

(L-tryptophan, in substantial quantities, is a natural sedative. It is normally found in turkey meat, and many people believe it to be the cause of a sleepiness common after a Thanksgiving feast.)

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