Jacky's Journey

By Fudgefase

The other view of the castle...

Yes, this is the view of Edinburgh castle the tourists don't see....the one from the building site that is part of Princes Street these days. One of the old stores was pulled down (it's possible it went on fire, now that I think of it) and is being rebuilt, from the ground up, by the looks of it. There were many workmen milling around wondering who the neaff with the camera was and wondering if they were being spied on by their bosses, but no one tackled me so I blipped on my merry way. This photo is taken from one of the wee lanes between Rose Street and Princes Street. It really is a mess. The big basin thing is attached to a crane that's been busy getting in the way of the view from the window all summer. Must be cold up in that wee cabin in the sky. To say nothing of having to grip the metal rungs as you climb the ladder (the very, very long, vertical and narrow ladder) that takes you to your work every morning....

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