Mr. Mundin
Mr. Mundin is a near neighbour of ours and on seeing me in the road, he stopped for a chat. I told him the good news about the housing development being halted at the rear of his property, which I have been tackling the District Council about for some years. They had deliberately kept four houses empty and boarded up, so that they might be able to sell the land for private housing. Meanwhile four families in Stroud have not had a home to live in. Now the Council has promised to renovate and arrange occupation of the four homes for a couple of years at least, till they 'finalise their arrangements' (my words). So the blight on our area is temporarily lifted and the works could be finished in four months! A good result, which he was pleased to hear.
While I snapped away, he was telling me stories of being a Shop Steward before he retired, about his children and his love of books and reading. Not one for foreign travels, he says he prefers time spent tending his elderly tractor that is in his front garden, to getting wound up in airports; but he also likes being at home sipping a beer with friends in the back garden. A very good man.
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