Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne


Yet another very pleasant day today...
And another long and sappy write-up to follow.
My apologies; I guess that lately I just have stories to tell.

Today, my grandma, mother, sister, aunt, cousin and I went to the "Festival of Trees" exhibit at an art museum downtown.

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant nearby for some hot chocolate. As we sat down at our table, a man walked in. He was elderly and frail, with breathing tubes attached to his mouth and nose. He seemed to be having a hard time walking. I watched from the corner of my eye as he sat down at a table alone.

I wanted to do something for him. At first I thought about inviting him to sit with us, but hesitated- what stranger would want to sit with a family of women? I thought about how difficult it can be sometimes to figure out the right thing to do. No one should have to sit at a table alone.

Just then, the waitress walked by.
"Excuse me, ma'am," My grandma whispered to her. "Whatever that man orders, would you put it on my bill?"
The waitress smiled and nodded.

The man ordered a milkshake, drank half of it, and left before we noticed.

Some time later, the waitress came back to our table.
"He wanted me to thank you for him," She said to my grandma. "He was beaming."

I was overthinking it.
I'm always wondering about how I could possibly change the world.
I guess that sometimes, it's as simple as half of a 79 cent milkshake.

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