Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

My baby girl turned 7 today

Ava had an awesome birthday today, her actual birthday, November 26th. For once, her birthday was not shared with Thanksgiving. Nor were we driving to or from Mississippi as we usually do to visit family. Although we really missed seeing our Mississippi family this year it was nice to stay home. Today we got to just hang out with Ava on her birthday. We had a relaxed day of sleeping in, playing, going to Tangled, meeting Grammy & Grampy for dinner and then walking around the Domain for a while.

She is excitedly showing of her new glow doodle, the one gift she asked for by name, that she just got from Grammy and Grampy. It is really pretty awesome.

I can't believe she is already 7! She is such a happy, funny, joyful girl. We are so lucky to be her parents. Happy Birthday, Ava!!!

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