Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Shore Acres State Park

Guests who stay at Annie's Cottage between Thanksgiving and New Years have the opportunity to visit the former estate of Louis Simpson, his gardens overlooking the Pacific, to be more specific.

This is a true community project with organizations of all kinds coming together to design the displays, put up lights, serve cookies and coffee/cider, sing or play their instruments in the gazebo and greet visitors. The gardens are enchanting, even in tonight's rain.

A big 'thank you' to my sweetie for my early birthday present, a Samsung SL50, increasing my mega pixels from 3.5 to 10. Now I have to figure out what to do with them! (Sarah, let's see if I can tame this thing)
Thank you all for yesterday's kind words regarding the patience it took to get the shot of the Junko. Thanks for telling me what it was, too! I have enjoyed the challenge of finding ways to make my little camera bring life to 'life'! The new one is so amazing, I hope I can tame it!

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