This day

By snapper


Snow everywhere but not too deep. Had a nice long lie (needed it after getting home at the back of 2am and bed at 3am!
did a washing then took doggies out with #1 daughter along the canal. As you can see from the picture Abbie is not for letting her stick go to Sam, that look in her eyes say its mine!

Having a lazy day #2 daughther has also come home so almost a full house this evening thought they will be off in every direction to see their pals buts its nice to see them. Since I have stopped going down to glasgow they have been coming home more regularily!

Forgot to mention that I won yeat another bottle of whiskey! thats two in two weeks and I dont even drink whiskey but as it was hubbies birthday I gave it to him after all who would want to waste a 10 year old Glenmorangie!

Well time to chill by my nice roaring log fire

Have a good blip weekend all

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