this luminous life.

By Laura

I was looking forward to this weekend because Kyle and I had four days off together. It is hard for us to have one day off together due to his weekend work schedule and a million other things. Unfortunately, the heater core in his car blew up on Thursday evening. He has spent the past two days at his parents' house working on the car while I've been home, sad and a little bored. I have enjoyed the relaxation but I'm eager to spend time together!

While reading on the couch this afternoon, I noticed a squirrel sniffing around our balcony. Realizing he was probably looking for all the food I left for the animals over the past few weeks (apples, pumpkins, gourds), I grabbed a couple apples and an ear of corn to leave on the balcony. Minutes later, the squirrel came back and grabbed one of the apples. Another squirrel came and grabbed the other apple (and sadly dropped it in the lake by accident). I put another apple outside and took these pictures as a squirrel came back to check out the corn.

Enough squirrel-watching.
I need to find something else to do!
Back to this book....

a year ago: 24.

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