
By youngniks

Child of a new generation

So now I have an iphone ... after much anticipating. Jennifer my niece knows more about my iphone than I do - and computers for that matter and shes only 10! Should make Blipping easier I guess. Running out of excuses!

Seem to be Blipping weekly now... will try harder! Has been a funny week. Jules has been working manically. Saw him briefly when he arrived and crawled into bed with me at 2.30am and crawled out again at 7.30am on Tuesday. He flew to Brazil to film GT1 on Thursday and now has a chest infection. Hope he's OK.

Mum & Dad were to Barcelona last weekend to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. They returned home on Tuesday to discover that someone had broken into their kitchen, found the car keys and helped themselves to their brand new VW Golf. Everyone's quite shocked and angry.

Lat night went to see Hansel and Gretel by Kneehigh Theatre Company ... genius. Really pissed off that Secret Cinema have cancelled our Christmas film. Was really excited about it.

Woke up to snow this morning but luckily the roads were OK so managed to make it to my parents in Reading and take them to the hire car place to collect their hire car.

No Christmas shopping achieved yet ... haven't even started to read the book for next week's book club (and haven't read the last 3 either). Why does time go so quickly these days?

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