Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

So, do I go to sleep early with some music, or stay up watching Johnny Depp on tv? Personally, I'd prefer to sleep with Johnny Depp while some music is playing, but...

I had a successful, if draining, day today. Lots of meetings, scheming, and stoof. The Big Reveal inches ever closer (cue anticipatory mood music).

I'm actually struggling a bit to keep shooting each week for the Street Photogaphy Now Project (check here) and also moderate it, shoot my own projects, and do other stuff. Scheming stuff. I'm finding I go out to shoot street, and my head is filled with thoughts and plans and to do lists. It isn't good. I think it's just a phase - give it another week or two and things will right themselves, but the last two weeks have been really tough on me.

For some good news, the SPN Project has been getting loads of press. See here, here, and here, fro example. Woo hoo.

There's still plenty of time to get on board and join in all the SPN fun, if you haven't already. £1000 of photobooks from Thames and Hudson in it for one lucky participant, and each week a top photographer issues the Instruction and then shortlists their favourite shots and reviews a bunch of images. You can't get any better than that!

Now zzzzzzzzzzz. Unwoo hoo.

(And another bus shot for today. Enjoy!)

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