In Tru Life

By TruLife

Drawing at The Botanics

Some times madeleine looks like an old painting with her large eyes and eyelids and straight nose and full lips, and here it shows that look really well.

We didn't do much today but we did manage to return another of the 2 printers I bought which didn't work! So 50 quid will be winging it's way back to my bank account... yeah! Now I just have to return the other 15 things I have hanging on my front door!

After that we went to the Botanics to see the mushroom exhibition again but it's been taken down :-( but Maddy still did her "Wasn't mush room in there Dad!" which made him laugh! Sweet! She did some drawings and we got her a funny eye glass thingy which makes you see like a fly!

Bit of X-Factor and off to bed for the Madster and daddy and I enjoyed some wine, chocolate and Have I Got A Bit More News For You! Off to bed now too, goodnight all!

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