Tourists at the Arts Centre

Day 2 of our photography course today.

My mind feels like it's been bent and bended inside out - but in a good way. So much to absorb and practice so it become second nature. We had a journaling exercise that made us think about the 'why?' we take a photograph. It was challenging and excellent. Really made me think in a way that felt very freeing. So much to explore :-)

I'm struggling to keep life balanced and juggle competing demands. I'm sure that's a familiar expression. I will keep blipping because it's important to me to do so. But I might try writing less or nothing at all for a week or so and see how that goes.

My blips might be experimental but don't read anything into that, other than I'm trying out some news things. I'm ok just trying to balance life.

Instead I'll endeavour to look at a few journals and comment each night. It's already gone 9pm and with as 6am is my week day rising time, preparing for tomorrow and getting to bed is tonight's priority. Oh look, it's nearly Monday already :-/

Hope you've had a great weekend and have an excellent start to your week.

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