Early Wake up
It is my daughters birthday today (27th) 12 years old going on 18.
I totally forgot to take my blip for Saturday and I awoke on Sunday thought about it and I was gutted. I picked up my phone clicked on the Album and all of a sudden the feeling of joy arose though my stomach. I had forgotten that I had been awoken by my daughter and three friends laughing there heads off. I was asleep on the sofa so I took a snap shot of my phone to show them later on what time they were still up at.
She had a fab birthday and got herself the new iPod touch!
But what a pain in the arse trying to create an account for her. you can no longer do this for free you need a bank account (which she has but I am not letting her free on iTunes with it) or you need to put some money on via an iTunes gift card!! with out the account she cannot down load anything with her own password.
Back in September my son also bought one and we did not have this issue he could down load all the free apps he wanted!!
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