Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Its A Dog's Life

Well the promised snow came, along with a spectacular thunder and lightening storm. Some pictures were taken walking the dogs this morning - but was a full on blizzard and the shots were very grey (excepting the close ups of the dogs!!)

The planned trip to Tentsmuir was cancelled. Although the snow stopped and even melted a little. The weather station was reporting a wind chill of -8.8, no way am I poking my nose out in that!

So how to pass the afternoon?? Laze in front of the TV or try and do something constructive. So me and him indoors set the room up with his new lights to try and take some indoor portraits with the new camera. As we are both camera shy, it was down to the pooches. Surprisingly they obliged by hopping on to the stool we had set up and posing!!! I am sure they must be after something! Even Oscar sat up nicely in his usual princely manner - I will shove some funnies up on fb later

So its just gone 4pm and its dark. More snow forecast for the morning and the temperature plummeting as I type.

Time to stick the chook in the oven and enjoy some comfort food - and a well done to Tesco. They have done away with the plastic tray the chicken sits on and reduced the packaging by a massive 68% !!!! Simple eh?

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