
By CleanSteve

Not enough for jam this year

I need to catch up on work today, even though it is Sunday. While my lunchtime egg was boiling, I went to the garden to find a Blip. It is that sort of day.

I planted this Medlar tree earlier this year, after it had been standing in a pot for too long. I was delighted when the tree flourished, flowered profusely and produced lots and lots of little Medlar fruits. When I was a teenager, the very old Medlar in what was left of our orchard was a favourite of mine, with their funny leaves and fruit.

I thought the fruit could be picked for bletting long after the leaves had fallen. But last week when I looked there were none left. I mentioned this to Helena, asking if she could remember when she had last seen them on the tree. She blamed the badgers, but I am certain it must be deer. They missed this tiny one, which I was delighted to find and be able to show you today.

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