Family 6

By meganrose

Lancaster Canal

The canal has frozen over most of the way; the geese were stood one footed on it, flamingo style. The light bleached them out too much though, so it's this 'soft focus' picture instead!

We have spent the day decorating the rest of the hallway. The Dazzler is a joiner by trade and a perfectionist by nature. The walls now look like the have been re-plastered before we painted them. The whole thing has taken longer than I wanted, hindered by the fact that we had to collect the babies in the middle of the day. The the boys came home after school. Then they all wanted to paint....

Just glossing and another coat of varnish on the floor to do.

Rubbish freezer tea of chips and pizza. Not enough to go round so I bribed them all with pancakes and nutella afterwards. Naughty mummy.

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