Country File

By marypot

Santa Gracie

We brought the Christmas decorations down from the attic at the weekend and have got them all stacked ready to put up. Aside from the fact that some had been gnawed at by mice and had to be chucked out (boo!), it was lovely to see them again. Today was a funny sort of day. Like much of the UK, we are wrapped in a snowy cocoon here. The schools I was supposed to be working at were all closed and the weather here was so bad that we didn't get dug out until gone lunchtime, so I ended up working from home. It was a good chance to catch up on some reading and research and also of course during breaks I had time to see my babies. Grace is full of Christmas spirit and getting rather excited. Maybe we're making a mistake getting her so into it this early. We'll see. Ophelia, unfortunately, isn't well at all. She was up much of last night with a sicky bug and is off her food completely today. For those of you who know Ophelia, you will realise that her not eating is very strange indeed!

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