
By kempa

This picture on my tree got me thinking

about the future. I remember this day specifically. It was the day after my sister Heidi's tenth birthday party (she is now 19). That's her on your left,Elise in the middle and me on the right. This august it will be ten years ago and it seems like just yesterday. I wonder what life will be like in ten years. What new things will be invented. What will be going on in my life. I'll be 26. That just seems odd. What will I have achieved. Who will I have known. What will be different. Where will we be. What will I have taken pictures of. Where will I have gone to college. Will I have a job. Will I be in love. What will my hair look like.

Because just looking at my sister, Elise and I in this photo and knowing what has changed since then. And to know that none of us knew what would happen and neither did anyone in our lives. I was about to turn seven. Six days after my seventh birthday two planes would unexpectedly crash into the twin towers. No one could have predicted that and what effects it brought upon others. And now ten years later where are we?

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