The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Beneath the Golden Gingko

It was back to school (and to work) for all of us here on the other side of the pond, after the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Youngest daughter's BFF (here getting an enthusiastic lift) and family went out of town for four days, and you'd think, after the two were reunited at school today, that they had been separated for centuries or something.

On the corner where we park, there is the most gorgeous gingko tree whose leaves have turned wildly and profusely golden. I can't help thinking of Gerald Manley Hopkins' "Spring and Fall", and I know all this won't last.

So we admire the tree everyday, and the children play in the heaps of leaves around it; so much careless, beautiful wealth, all gold on green.

P.S. Yes, in the foreground is the author of the "Persuasive Friendly Letter" from the Thanksgiving turkey (see 24 November Blip).

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