Billy Goat

By billygoat

Yo BM - BG's in a DJ going to a DD

Off to the firm's "do" tonight, retirees get invited back to the first dinner dance after they retire as a freebie.
They don't invite them back after that because they bore the whole table telling them how we used to do it, and how much more fun it was " in my day".
Actually they don't invite them back because most retirees are too busy by then to have time on a Friday night to listen to the miserable sods still at work complaining how hard it all is.
Did have a stunning sunset that nearly became tonight's Blip but this edged it out.
Now left over right and up, then fold the right (which is left in the mirror) back inside - blast.
Left over right.......

PS Good luck Mr and Mrs EG

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