Sparkle and light

13 months 9 days

We have more snow. Surprise surprise. It's snowing again as I type. And I have lovely photos of Katie and Monkey bundled up in the sledge forMonkey's First Sledge Ride But I've decided to blip this one instead....

We went to tea and toast for a bit this morning, saw a few friends and had a nice play, but then we headed over to Lets Get at the Sure Start centre. And we were super excited. The sensory equipment has finally been installed. Katie was completely, utterly captivated. She spent the whole session in it. Loved it. It totally deserved the blip! There's a huge light panel that changes colour to the beat of the music that it plays, the mirror den has lightstrands through it now, there were the lights in the photo, a set of long ropes that set off bells, lots of mirrors, a whole load of small sensory toys, light up balls, torches, everything.

She fell asleep in the sledge on the way home, but didn't stay asleep when we got home. We went for lunch with friends at the play cafe and she had a really long play in the soft play. She fell asleep in the sling as I walked round tesco, but woke up not long after, so is rather a tired bunny. But today has been a lovely day

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