Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

does this make me look fat?

ok, so i am not trying to make some sort of fashion statement here. in fact this lovely jumper used to fit me perfectly. until a couple of days ago. you see Mrs McD said to me the other night, "can you put the clothes in the washing machine into the tumble drier?". i of course was only too happy to do this most simple of household chores. well it counts as one of them and as stated it is not difficult and of course it scores brownie points. anyway i did not know that my favourite (new) jumper was in amongst this wet bundle and of course the inevitable shrinking occurred. i may be somewhat to blame for not checking but if there are items that can't go into the tumble drier i am normally informed beforehand. so of course having received no warning i dumped the whole lot in there.
now this little tale leads nicely into this weeks assignment topic, "traditions". you see for as long as i have been working (including my first part time job at 14, i actually had 3 part time jobs at once for a while), and buying my own clothes something .......unfortunate has happened to my favourite items.
this was obviously started by my mother, who i am forced to admit (if only because she reads my blips) covered up any mishaps quite well. the only time i noticed something was up was if a particular fav item had been in the washing for way too long. this was always an indication that my mum had dyed or damaged it in some way that would require another turn in the washing machine. usually she fixed things............but i do say usually.
however over the years similar things have happened and it is always to my most treasured pieces of clothing. this curse has even followed me to london as i can think of two tops that have just vanished and a pair of trousers that suffered at the, well drum i suppose, of the tumble drier. (that one was my fault though) of course now i can add my jumper to this never ending list.
hell, maybe it is more of a curse than a tradition, but it's my tenuous link and i'm sticking with it.

almost went with another shot tonight and if you are interested check outbreak and stadium. as always a shameless plug for whoever guesses who plays there first.

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