Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Flowers in the Snow

Last night it looked as if a thaw might be on its way, however by this morning that was all changed with more snow falling steadily throughout the day.

Schools closed again, so another snow day for young master J. The council gave out a blanket closure notice yesterday for today so there was no last minute rushing around. Today they are going for a school by school decision for any closures for tomorrow. Lets hope the village school doesnt leave it till the last moment.

Ventured out for a walk in the blizzard late this afternoon. All very picturesque and very chilly. I was reminded why I am not a keen wellie wearer as my sock eventually wriggled off my foot half way into the walk and I was left hopping and swaying in the blizzard whilst I tried to take wellie off, locate sock and put sock on, tuck trousers into sock (not a good look) and then shove wellie back on.

Most of the pictures from the walk were kind of grey or snow covered surprisingly - the light was very poor

Fortunately I had popped out to the garden earlier :) Some welcome colour on a winter day

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