Contender Ready!
Gladiator Ready! - then let battle commence.
We were up against it again today. All off school and work, and the Snow Blizard Gladiator was winning hands down. It took no time to assemble the troops, arm them suitably and commence battle. My girl and boy took to the sledges and my No. 1 boy chose as his weapon of choice a 'KickAss' Snow Shovel. If you haven't got one of these babies you are out of the game before it has begun.
The end result was a convincing win for us on all fronts with no joker necessary. The Snow Blizzard melted at the mere thought of us coming. Hills were sledged, snow was shovelled at an extrordinary rate and cars were dug out successfully. We are the champions my friends!
Just let it snow tonight if it dare!
In other matters today I would like to give praise to the public transport systems which allowed me to carry out the necessary journeys to Queensferry to keep them ticking over until we can resume normal service.
Other news, my boy was delighted at my departure today as he then proceeded to have pot noodle for breakfast followed by a crisp sandwich for lunch. Fathers! Useless!
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