This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Advent calendar

Well it's the 1st December and harvey could have his advent chocolate I dont think he quite gets the concept that he can only have one per day though and just wanted to eat them all at once. I rang in work today to say i wasn't coming as the snow overnight has just got so thick its about 1 and half foot out their and its still coming down. well we went to the Bleffy Cliro concert last night and it was great ! i wasn't such a fan of their more thrash metal type of tracks but most of it was fab. Pleased we were'nt standing up as their was some 'mosh pits' or whatever they were called down in the crowd and it looked a bit violant ! eek ! Didnt get back till midnight and then i stayed up to do an online food shop with Tesco which came today think god. Certainly not able to get to the shop in this snow. Just hope Lee will be ok coming home from work later.

Harvey is now getting better with his words. I think he is a little lazy as he will say a word once and then won't say it again. He can now make pig noises and will point to mostbthings you ask him where they are. But he still says everything is called a DAH !

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