Lesley's day by day

By lesleydiack

Advent calendar Day 1 - Bethlehem Star

Last night while doing my charity shopping I decided it would nice to have a poinsettia in the house as the start of the Christmas cheer. Then I decided I would like to use my blipfotos to countdown to Christmas. This is my favourite time of year because of the birth of Jesus and the hope that brings.

I then thought to find out why poinsettias are seen at this time of the year and why they are so popular at Christmas and this is what I found out.

Poinsettias are native to Mexico. They were named after America's first ambassador to Mexico, Joel Poinsett. He brought the plants to America in 1828. The Mexicans in the eighteenth century thought the plants were symbolic of the Star of Bethlehem. Thus the Poinsettia became associated with the Christmas season. The actual flower of the poinsettia is small and yellow. But surrounding the flower are large, bright red leaves, often mistaken for petals.

I hope this plant lasts a long time as it's colourful and vibrant compared to the snow outside!!

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