
By tookie

Minimalist II shot

Yesterday's was a simple one so I'll call this II in this series:) This is the early day for me in the work week as the kids only have a half day---been busy making the memory boards for my friend's Sat. memorial. Took a break this afternoon and went to the movies with my best friend---saw Fair Game--the story of the '"outing" of the CIA Valerie Plame by Karl Rove and company. Great movie and shameful that those at top levels get off basically scot free (no ill will to the Scott's here--wonder where that term comes from?). Rove is still running around creating havoc and well...the rest is history.

Plame's status as a CIA agent was revealed by White House officials allegedly out to discredit her husband after he wrote a 2003 New York Times op-ed piece saying that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq.One of the key ingredients in President George W. Bush's campaign to convince the American people of the necessity of invading Iraq and removing Saddam Hussein from power was the sixteen lines in his January 28, 2003 State of the Union address in which he claimed that "the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," presumably to build a nuclear bomb. Though the CIA and the State Department told the White House that this was not good intelligence, by repeating this false statement, Bush was able to push through a vote in Congress to authorize the war in Iraq, warning of "mushroom clouds" over American cities.

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