Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

*The* Potato

I'm not going to repeat yesterday's story so, if you ask yourself, *what* potato, you can start with yesterday's story.

I, on the other hand, started with this today. I opened the fridge and what to my wondering eyes did appear? A heart, no a bum, no your dinner, my dear!

Last evening, in the middle of dinner, we received a call from Mr. C's mum, requesting an ambulance ride. She needed to be checked out because her heart was racing a bit too fast and she was feeling out of breath. Well, we covered our suppers and headed off to the E.R. By the time we took her back home (checked out fine) it was 1:00 a.m. and I was hungry for a burrito, so we picked one up at the drive-thru and headed home. This morning, the infamous potato greeted me and brought a big smile to my face, so I grabbed my little camera, snapped, and off to work I went.

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