
By Amalarian


It isn't raining -- but it's going to. I went off to get a snap of the Alps covered in snow but they were invisible today. I screeched to a halt at the sight of a beautiful old barn falling to ruin. The whole area was fenced. I was ready to give up when Himself undid a wire on the gate and pushed it open just far enough to squeeze through.

I was in like a bunny and straight into a ruined and fairly new open house opposite the barn. Click, click from the house windows. As an afterthought I did a few shots of what had been the pigpen. As you can see, it is not in good shape. I took this shot just as we were leaving and just after stepping into an icy, hidden puddle of water.

The whole pigpen is here: Tuscan Pigpen. The black strip at the bottom is where food would have been slopped in. The side of the stone barn is to the left.

The barn can wait for another day when there is more light.

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