From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Study without thought is vain...

thought without study is dangerous' (Confucious)

A 'snow day' for child #1 today, and a day where I am too nervous to drive to uni and not sure about getting back on public transport. (Yesterday's journey was 50 mins on the bus instead of 20, then the train was running on 3 engines rather than the usual five, but only 20 minutes late.)

So, today is sitting at home determined to get some of these essays drafted. If I manage to get the back broken on one, I'll be a happy girl! I'm sitting here on the floor, in front of the fire, with my notes and books spread out for easy access; dinner is in the slow cooker (vegetable risotto) and I am not moving from here til I have some work done.

OK, so maybe a little procrastination; a quick look on Facebook, a look through some blips, THEN definitely some essay!

*edit* Had sister #2 and friend #1 visiting, who asked for a mention!!! Now, I've done 114 words, only 4886 to go!!!

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