
By Rioja

No, No, No...

I eventually gave in last night and said yes to Lynne and the rascals putting the Christmas tree up, still a week too early in my book but I was outnumbered.

What a palava putting the tree up with two boys about. One couldn't get the decorations out the boxes and on the tree quick enough, the other thinks the bobbles are footballs and wants to pull them off to kick around the living room. All great fun though.

Now that the tree is up, it's a mission trying to stop wee rascal from pulling the decorations off. Seriously considering a barbed wire fence, although scared that Santa might catch his trews on it when he comes.

Snow is still falling here. I measured the back garden last night where the snow has been untouched since it started - 18 inches without any drifting!

Time to go and see what alterations can be made to the snow den.

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