
By CleanSteve

Foot and mouth

A funny old day. If I was an astrologer I would guess that Mercury was retrograde.

Communications were not too effective. Emails were sent to me but never appeared. A last minute client call-out, just when I didn't want it and had other plans afoot. By the end of the working day, have I achieved anything?

I started with a good hot bath. Bomble decided to join me on the edge of the bath, which he often does. Even in summer he likes to sit on this warm ledge to look around in a glazed way. Sometimes he nearly dozes off, while at other times he will play with anything floating on the water, lashing out with his claws and paws, as he does when playing with his catnip 'mouse'.

I asked Helena to get my camera, just to see what might happen. Lighting was poor, shooting straight towards the window. Bomble was rubbing his neck and face against my foot (sorry if this might upset anyone), which he always seems to enjoy. Suddenly his jaws opened and he put his teeth around my foot and nipped me, very gently, not breaking the skin, although he does have two very long and sharp gnashers. This gesture is apparently a sign of a cat's affection, as it only happens when he is purring. You can see he is looking intently at my eyes, to check on my reaction. But does that mean he is really a sadist?

Helena thanks all for kind concerns about her health. She is feeling better, and came up with this Title, which proves she can see the funny side of things again.

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