My Angle

By myangle


We are back home after a quick trip to Stanthorpe for the weekend to do the market there. Last night we stayed at Ken's place and I had way too much to drink. That was why my blip explanation was so short yesterday. My fine motor skills were impaired enough that I was having trouble typing.

Moving along.

While we were packing the car to go to the market this morning, Mona here had her head over the fence. It was her feed time and she thought I might be the one supplying it. She really is a sweet horse. I have on a number of occasions walked around the paddock she is in and she will quite happily walk alongside me, nuzzling my pockets. She does it on the off chance she will get a treat but it is still nice.

Notice the flies on her. Recently they have been quite bad around the Stanthorpe region. Austalian flies are the most persistent I have ever had to deal with. They constantly try to get in your eyes, nose and mouth. When Ken and I went for a walk yesterday we were accompanied by a swarm of the pests. I have managed over the years to learn not to let them bug me too much. As long as they don't try and get in my eyes. I still managed to swallow one though. Yuck!

Tomorrow I am back to the realities of night shift for a week before people from my department start trickling off on annual leave. I suppose I will go back onto days then. Either way I don't mind. I am not going anywhere in particular this Christmas so I might as well put my head down and push through.

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