Luxurious Day

Had a lovely day today, took hubby to work after a dentist appointment then went to Giraffe for breakfast with a friend. It's the first time I've done that and it felt such a treat. Not in the way that going out for lunch or dinner is, but in a real luxury treat way! And it was a fiver for a yummy brekkie and hot chocolate.

We went round a few shops after that, passing through M&S before heading back to the car. I'd decided to blip on the way home. Only the snow chose then to tip down again, and getting anything decent was nigh on impossible. I was NOT going out again later ;) I've not desaturated this shot, straight off camera. Life is simply black and white just now!

On returning home, I realised the school was closing for the day, so traipsed down to school to get Kory and friends kids. Back home to thaw out and then she came to collect kids and we decided we deserved some of the Kir Royale we'd bought in M&S :) So we sat watching the snow, drinking that in the afternoon. Another luxury I don't normally partake in! No calling social services!

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