Aye, it's good to get the fire stoked up, the curtains drawn and crank up t'internet for a cosy night in.

An interesting bus journey home. It would appear I was on the Radgie Gadgie express (or the number 3 as it's usually known). Jeez. Got on, went upstairs and discovered there was a shouting match in full flow. One decent articulate bloke, telling the half a dozen ferrety-faced gits to shut up. And the ferrety-faced gits were all sreaming abuse back. So me and really-hard-bloke-that-had-also-just-got-on, joined in the general ramy telling them also to shut-the-fuck up. Then the driver and another bloke came pounding up the stairs to get them off . More shouting and yelling. But surprisingly they all got off. Then pelted the driver with snowballs before he could shut the door. Then pelted all the windows with snowballs.


And came home to find that I'd been BCC'd-in again. Lordy. Will sleep on it.

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