My name is Liz and I support panicandrun.com.

And... go Ducks. I hear there's a game on Saturday. So while I am studying in a gorgeous library with BJ all day on Saturday, I will also be sporting my new shirt.

I uploaded my backblips for the last week and a half. Been checking a ton of things off my to-do lists - finally.

Things that make me happy:
1. chocolate milk
2. my hot tea every morning
3. picking up developed film and my high-res cd
4. pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, salad, asparagus, broccoli, green tea iced cream
5. getting things done. I got so much done today that I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest.
6. my 6th thing is super cheesy... but I love talking to my boyfriend before I go to sleep. I miss him a lot.

Start HERE and stop when you get back to this photo.
They're filled with a sunset, my family, some piano playin' and guitar strummin', time with friends, and a pair of shoes.

Going home last week, I was deeply saddened to notice that the city of Beaumont spray painted over the pac-men underneath the Maury Meyers Bridge. SO SAD. I loved them.

Got back my latest roll of 120mm film. Black and white Ilford - 400. Really grainy.. not enough contrast from the negative developing (in my opinion).. but here are some posted to flickr:
Bass Hall
(Stop looking at me,) Swan
MC's shot of me
Vespa - this photo alerted me to how dirty the negatives were ... or the lens.. either way. Dirty dirty.
7th & University nights
Turkey Trot! - So proud of you, Elle!

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