Woke up and...

By vespa

...started something new

Yes. Another place to exist on the web. But this one was carefully chosen. Facebook is too impersonal and scattered, twitter too confined, myspace outdated, and livejournal a emo part of my past. I thought about starting a traditional blog, but not without a central focus, and I know it would only be a matter of weeks until my jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none personality turned my "craft blog" turned into a craft/photography/cooking/sports/environmental/decorating/tv recap/current events blog. So here I am, at a place that will hopefully allow me to be (and document) all those scattered things that I am, but record and share them in a simple format.

It's always good to have goals, and mine are pretty simple. Find worth in even the most ordinary day. Practice, record, and reflect. Seek out new experiences. Share and inspire.

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