Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Working with technique...

I find it most meaningful to photograph people. And I want them to know they are being photographed...I want a dialogue with the camera. HOWEVER it is not always easy to find a willing model :) Tonight there isnt one and I have instead played around with the camera's timer, the tripod, and sloow exposures. Fun, but this isnt a photo i will remember :) Still, it is part of the learning process and one of the great benefits of Blip - it pushes me to do new things and learn.

It is a lovely Friday - work is calming down a bit, or at least feels more managable the whole weekend is ahead of us - my favourite day :) D. is off at a football end of season pizza party but will be home soon and I think a film and popcorn are in order :) Erik just beat me at chess :)

Enjoy your evening!

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